U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran?s Nuclear Infrastructure National Journal, by?Eli Lake |
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Posted By:Desert Fox, 12/28/2011 5:19:29 PM |
When Defense Secretary Leon Panetta opined earlier this month that an Israeli attack on Iran?s nuclear facilities could ?consume the Middle East in a confrontation and a conflict that we would regret,? the Israelis went ballistic behind the scenes. Michael Oren, Israel?s ambassador to Washington, lodged a formal diplomatic protest known as a demarche. And the White House was thrust into action, reassuring the Israelis that the administration had its own ?red lines? that would trigger military action against Iran, and that there is no need for Jerusalem to act unilaterally.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Robinsolana, 12/28/2011 6:08:37 PM?????(No. 8238042)
The Israelis must have felt the knife touch their back. Obama has little troubel throwing small democracies under the bus. Now, with their existance at stake, Obama wants to reassure his Jewish base that he is Israel's best friend. Why they would believe any of this, is beyond me.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
ojisan, 12/28/2011 6:09:10 PM?????(No. 8238045)
All a political posturing for Hussein before his re-election. He won't have the kahunas or the eggrolls to go through it. Unless the CIA drags Hussein away from the golf course AGAIN after the 16th hour.
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Most Recent Articles posted by "Desert Fox"
Moms Stage "Nurse-In" at Target Stores
NBC News, by Natalie Martinez???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/28/2011 5:44:05 PM ???
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Nursing moms upset with breastfeeding preferences at Target stores staged a "nurse-in" Wednesday at locations in Chicago and across the country. Local moms say the demonstration is meant to raise awareness about controversies over nursing in public. This latest outcry, they say, stems from a recent incident in Texas. Michelle Hickman, a Houston mother of four, apparently was nursing in a remote area of a Target store when staffers told her to move into a fitting room. There were so many employees confronting her, she said, that it was time to speak up.
Chavez: Is U.S. behind bout of cancer?
CNN, by Staff???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/28/2011 5:20:50 PM ???
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Caracas, Venezuela -- A day after officials announced the cancer diagnosis of Argentina's president, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wondered Wednesday if the United States could be infecting the region's leaders with the illness. Five current or former Latin American presidents have battled cancer in the past few years, including Chavez himself, who claims to have beaten an unspecified cancer. Chavez prefaced his remarks at a military event in Caracas by saying, "I don't want to make any reckless accusations," but the Venezuelan president said he was concerned by something he finds "very, very, very strange."
U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran?s Nuclear Infrastructure
National Journal, by Eli Lake???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/28/2011 5:19:29 PM ???
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When Defense Secretary Leon Panetta opined earlier this month that an Israeli attack on Iran?s nuclear facilities could ?consume the Middle East in a confrontation and a conflict that we would regret,? the Israelis went ballistic behind the scenes. Michael Oren, Israel?s ambassador to Washington, lodged a formal diplomatic protest known as a demarche. And the White House was thrust into action, reassuring the Israelis that the administration had its own ?red lines? that would trigger military action against Iran, and that there is no need for Jerusalem to act unilaterally.
U.S. Fifth Fleet says won't allow Hormuz disruption
Reuters, by Parisa Hafezi and Humeyra Pamuk???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/28/2011 5:18:09 PM ???
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TEHRAN/DUBAI - The U.S. Fifth Fleet said on Wednesday it would not allow any disruption of traffic in the Strait of Hormuz, after Iran threatened to stop ships moving through the world's most important oil route. "Anyone who threatens to disrupt freedom of navigation in an international strait is clearly outside the community of nations; any disruption will not be tolerated," the Bahrain-based fleet said in an e-mail. Iran, at loggerheads with the West over its nuclear programme, said on Tuesday it would stop the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf if
Iran warns of closing strategic Hormuz oil route
Associated Press, by Ali Akbar Dareini???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/28/2011 5:16:07 PM ???
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TEHRAN, Iran ? Iran's navy chief warned Wednesday that his country can easily close the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, the passageway through which a sixth of the world's oil flows. It was the second such warning in two days. On Tuesday, Vice President Mohamed Reza Rahimi threatened to close the strait, cutting off oil exports, if the West imposes sanctions on Iran's oil shipments. In response, the Bahrain-based U.S. 5th Fleet's spokeswoman warned that any disruption "will not be tolerated." The spokeswoman, Lt. Rebecca Rebarich, said the U.S. Navy is "always ready to counter
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Mitt Romney Defends Romneycare: ?Will Do What I Think Is Right For The People I Represent?
Mediaite, by Nando Di Fino???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/28/2011 3:59:55 PM ???
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GOP hopeful Mitt Romney made a guest appearance on Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, and hit on everything from his growing feud with Newt Gingrich to his record of conservatism as governor of Massachusetts. Romney added a bit of a soft touch on Gingrich?s inability to get on the ballot in Virginia by explaining why he compared Gingrich to Lucille Ball. ?We all make mistakes and sometimes our campaigns can?t get things done quite right. I don?t compare those mistakes to Pearl Harbor. When I see mistakes, I try and find a little humor. In this case, Lucille Ball in the chocolate
Va. GOP to require loyalty oath in presidential primary
Richmond Times-Dispatch [VA], by Andrew Cain???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/28/2011 3:49:32 PM ???
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Richmond, VA - At the request of the Virginia Republican Party, the State Board of Elections voted 3-0 today to close the March 6 presidential primary and require a loyalty oath for participation. That means anyone who wants to vote must sign a form at the polling place pledging to support the eventual Republican nominee for president. Anyone who refuses to sign the pledge will be barred from voting. During a brief meeting at the state Capitol, the board also held a drawing that determined Texas Rep. Ron Paul will appear first on the ballot for the primary, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt
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In forthcoming memoir, Arlen Specter reveals turmoil beneath exterior
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, by James O'Toole???
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Posted By: gvrc- 12/27/2011 11:20:12 PM ???
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Arlen Specter is a reasonably tough guy. He has survived two forms of cancer and multiple election losses with few public complaints. But in his new memoir "Life Among the Cannibals," set for publication in late March, Mr. Specter, 81, acknowledges more than a few psychic bruises, including one incurred during a visit to Carnegie Mellon University in June 2010.
Some Call for HBO Boycott in Wake of Bill Maher's Derisive Tweet About Tim Tebow
FoxNews.com, by Staff???
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Posted By: US Veteran- 12/28/2011 9:02:53 AM ???
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HBO is catching some flak in the wake of comedian Bill Maher's crack about Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. Maher, who hosts the long-running HBO show "Real Time With Bill Maher," wrote a message on his Twitter account after the Broncos lost to the Buffalo Bills on Saturday. "Wow, Jesus just f**ked TimTebow bad! And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere ... Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler "Hey, Buffalo?s killing them." Tebow had thrown four interceptions in his team's Christmas Eve loss to the Bills, which prompted Maher's remark. Tebow tweeted after the game:
Obama Plays His 90th Golf Game as President in Hawaii
Townhall, by Erika Johnsen???
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Posted By: Photoonist- 12/28/2011 12:41:50 AM ???
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Ouch. That the President of the United States feels confident in taking so much highly visible relaxation time seems, in my eyes, almost ostentatiously haughty and aloof--but perhaps that's the idea? From the White House Dossier, emphasis mine: (Snip) With this one, Obama reaches a new milestone, having gone golfing 90 times in less than three years as president. That?s about three months of golf, given that the excursions generally take about five hours ? much of the useful portion of the day. What?s more, it?s the 32nd time he?s been on the links this year, a record for the
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For President in 2012, Mitt Romney
Power Line, by John Hinderaker???
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Posted By: Dreadnought- 12/27/2011 11:04:26 PM ???
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It is time for Republicans to get serious. After flirting with just about every candidate in a large presidential field, is is time to come home to the one candidate who has the demonstrated ability to run the largest organization in the United States, the Executive Branch of the federal government; who has never been touched by the slightest taint of scandal; whose success in the private sector makes him the outsider that Republicans say they are looking for; and who has by far the best chance of beating President Obama: Mitt Romney. The ?anybody but Romney?
US Communist Leader: ?Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think?
Big Government, by Trevor Loudon???
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Posted By: hartright- 12/28/2011 9:21:32 AM ???
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In a Christmas break message to his party, Communist Party USA vice chair Jarvis Tyner has confirmed the vital importance of the build up to the 2012 elections to ?set the stage for a new progressive era and for a socialist transformation.? Tyner draws clear right/left battle lines and the communist?s commitment to Party ?friend? President Barack Obama and to the Democratic Party cause; 2012 is a big election year and as we know the stakes are very high. The right-wing Republican opposition unashamedly defends the wealth and privilege of the 1% over the 99%
Throw 'Em All Out ...And Good Riddance!
American Thinker, by J.R. Dunn???
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Posted By: DW626- 12/28/2011 4:03:52 AM ???
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Crony capitalism is the most serious current danger to the American community, a threat not simply to government or the economy, but to our very way of life.? It is the worst such threat since the trusts and monopolies of the early 20th century, and in much the same way. Cronyism is one of the major forces behind the establishment of the corrupt pseudo-aristocracy that has been taking shape in this country over the past two decades, a synthetic privileged class made up in large part of politicians, hustlers, and hangers-on who have become expert in exploiting
Cheetah the chimp from 1930s Tarzan flicks dies
Associated Press, by Staff???
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Posted By: abuela10- 12/28/2011 9:16:39 AM ???
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PALM HARBOR, Florida? Cheetah, the chimpanzee sidekick in the Tarzan movies of the early 1930s, has died at age 80 a Florida animal sanctuary said. The Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor announced that Cheetah died Dec. 24 of kidney failure. Sanctuary outreach director Debbie Cobb on Wednesday told The Tampa Tribune that Cheetah was outgoing, loved finger painting and liked to see people laugh. She said he seemed to be tuned into human feelings.
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